....Trying to take it easy on a Sunday afternoon....

This is Dave. He's been my been best friend since we met in 1984. He's been my love of my life almost that long. Dave and I met on a trip to Mexico where my church and his school went with Azusa Pacific University to Mexicali, Mexico to tell others about Jesus and the life He lived. It was called Vacation Bible School. It was fun and life changing. On Wednesday Dave leaves for Togo, West Africa to help build part of a hospital or some houses...well something... if you want to check out his team's journeys check out
"Serving as Senders". The whole time that we dated we always talked about living around the world. Life hasn't quite happened that way. We've seen so many of our friends move around the world. Our kids want to do that too. I think that we will probably keep encouraging those guys. This trip is like that. We thought that we would both just encourage the team, help out with team meetings, help with some creative fundraising. Then an opportunity came up for Dave to go! I'm so happy for him that he gets to hang out with the team that he has been working so long to encourage.
Dave's favorite thing to do on Sunday afternoons is to take a nap. Most Sunday's he doesn't get a nap. Naps are great! Dave can take a 15 minute cat nap and call it good, but his favorite nap is that 1-1.5 hour nap that we wakes up refreshed and ready for the rest of the day. Not me. I don't really nap well. Most of the time I feel cranky and would rather skip the nap and simply go to bed early.
Dave and baby Elsie, May 2011 |
Most of the time though when others are napping Dave is spending his Sundays with people. Last Sunday he married a cute older couple. Then went to the store to get supplies for the Togo trip. Then he was back at church for a Togo meeting. You see, Dave is a pastor. Sundays are long days for him. He still tries to get in a nap, but most of the time he trades it for time with people.
Dave and baby Elsie, April 2012 |
Since Dave leaves in 3 days he spent today with me, David & Amber, Heewon and Stella (2 sweet Korean high school girls who live with us this school year). We had a great meal. After David & Amber left we went to the post office and mailed our Mother's day presents to our moms, then we headed over to get some Hawaiian shaved ice (they just opened! yay!), but they were closed (so sad) so we got some frozen yogurt (yay!) then over to the store for a quick trip for supplies for Teacher Appreciation week (it starts tomorrow at our school). By the time we were done Dave was back at church. I spent some time in our quiet house (the girls were studying) and updated the missions blog. Then we joined Dave at church for some fantastic worship by the worship guys (it was all guitars...just awesome) and great preaching by our Senior Pastor, Pastor Randy. He just finished up teaching us about the book of Luke.
Tonight at church Dave looked really tired. You know that tired that is a good tired, but still you are ready to be done. Tonight after church we got to hang out with the youth group. I miss those guys! I don't get to hang out so much anymore. This year has been really crazy so I needed to take Wednesdays off to be able to keep my home better in order. I hope that next year I'll get to go back and hang out, aka help in youth group. But tonight I went to the SNAC. It was a really great way to end a Sunday.
PS....girls 2 guys 1 at 4 men on the couch....and no one cheated tonight!
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