Only let us live up to what we have already obtained. Phil. 3:16 I want to live an authentic life.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
We are Blessed to Be a Blessing

Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Without arguing?
I thought it was a great two verses to learn since we had been talking about dress code at school and I had read about it in a daily devotional that is emailed to me....
You know it wasn't hard to learn, but it is hard to live out.
You know the without arguing point struck me first....I didn't realize that I wanted to argue so much until this verse kept floating in my thoughts.
And the without complaining....I complain way more than I thought I did.
I was struggling a few weeks ago with the concept of holiness...how do I live my life to follow after the Creator God, the One Who Provides, my Savior? How do I do this? I know that I should obey and these verses hit me right where I live in my everyday day in day out kind of life. They hit me at work, how I interact with people at the store, when I'm driving, at church, my list goes on and on....
But it is a matter of obedience. And it comes with hope....that I can be blameless and pure...without fault. And it comes with relationship...I'm a child of God...I should live this way! And it comes with a promise...that I will shine!
I really want to do EVERYTHING without arguing and complaining. It is an internal battle of my thought life. It deals with how I truly perceive my circumstances and it really deals with just how much I trust God.
I want to argue and complain less and love others and trust God more. Thinking on these verses and applying them will strengthen me in this regard.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
God is good!
God's purpose is for relationships, redemption, and reconciliation.
We played Jed's Quest today in Bible class. It was to show redemption and our need for someone to redeem us.
Tomorrow we'll talk about how we've been blessed and how we are to be a blessing.
How can I be a blessing to those around me? How can I show God's purpose to those around me?
I've been looking up Amish bread recipes! Maybe that can be a start.
For now I'll just finish laundry so my husband can pack wonderful clean clothes for a 2 day retreat with 6th graders, grade papers so my students will know how wonderful they are doing, and try to remember to start some dough to make cinnamon rolls for my daughter, Kirsten and our house guest from Korea, Song Ju.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Summer Adventures and Missing a Meeting

It started later than I thought it should. Slept in! Those are two great words, except to me who has too much to do in two days before we leave for our annual Jr. High youth group road trip.
Even though I had slept in, Kirsten got up early (we actually got up around the same time, just different perspectives). I had forgotten that we were going shoe shopping and the store had already been open for 1 hour by the time we got there! :) We found shoes for Kirsten (and some for me). While there I remembered, just in time, that I was meeting a friend for coffeee so off we drove to the coffee shop. Dave and Kirsten went home to work on what they needed to do and I had a nice leisurely time with my friend.
We both decided that we needed to go. I was enjoying my walk home when I realized that I had left later than I had wanted to because I was going to run some errands with Kirsten before she had a surprise party to attend. So my leisurely walk home turned to a brisk walk.
We took two cars to WalMart to get what she needed. I paid for her purchases and then decided that since I was there I'd price some craft supplies for camp and get some things I needed for the first night of the Jr. High road trip.
I got home, unloaded my purchases and made a late lunch while tracking my new timeline to ride a century. (The last one got scraped because of snow...snow in May in Idaho...who would have thought!)
Kirsten came home from the party and we had a good time talking while watching some show...don't remember which right now...waiting for Dave to come home for dinner. (Kirsten missed lunch somehow and she was STARVING)
Dave came home, we made a great salad, ate together then took off for a quick bike ride.
We rode off of a trail off of Eagle Blvd in (or really near) Eagle. We were just going to ride for a little bit so we thought we'd do some exploring. What we found was two underpasses and some great gravel riding to be done. We also found mosquitos so we definetly ended soon. (I forgot to bring bug spray).
Got home and basically went to bed. Quite an adventure for the day.
This morning I remembered that I missed a 4:30 meeting yesterday. It totally slipped my mind. I wish that someone had called, but I'm not blaming them. It is my fault that I missed my meeting. With all my organizing for this summer I never wrote it down and then I didn't remember.
I had planned on attending. I had wanted to attend. I simply forgot.
It is during these times that I believe I see God working even in my mess ups. I believe that I was where I was suppose to be the entire time. I used to feel guilty for my mess ups, for my missed appointments and my missed opportunities and my goof ups with what I want to do, but then don't remember to do it. I usually follow through. I usually attend what I've said I'd attend. And I am getting better on not overcommitting (that is why I use a calendar, actually several) so that usually isn't the reason anymore. In fact yesterday I was at home working on home stuff and I could have easily gone to the meeting. I simply forgot.
Here is the verse that I think about when I've messed up on accident:
"A man’s heart plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps."
Proverbs 16:9 (New King James Version)
I am thankful for the LORD who directs my steps. Everyday I want to trust Him with my day. Yesterday I was able to spend great time with my daughter and my husband which I know I needed. We have a crazy full schedule and it was refreshing to me to have time with them. I didn't choose them over the meeting, but maybe God did. I would have loved to spend time with the ladies at the meeting as well, but maybe, just maybe me forgetting was the better of two really good things to do.
I won't really know the answer to the dilema of my forgetfulness yesterday, but I do know that I don't need to feel guilty about it. I'll apologize to the ladies and I'll enjoy the memories from the day with my family and coffeetime friend, and I'll keep trusting that as I plan my way each day I can be confident that God will continue to direct my steps towards the better of the good things that I want to do.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
King David, The Legend, El Segundo, Graduate
Following the Leader...my girls...
Thursday, May 13, 2010
5 minutes to post
Monday, March 29, 2010
Century Training Week 10

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
What am I working for?
What am I living for? Am I living for my job? My house? My garden? These will all pass away. These will be burned up!
What should I invest my time in? My husband! My kids! My students! PEOPLE! These will not be burned up.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
One of my weaknesses is a fear of failure. That I just wouldn't measure up, be good enough, or literally fail. I'm not sure why this is a fear of mine, but it is and it is very real. Sometimes it rules my choices.
Another weakness of mine is that I'm ideal about the amount of time that it takes me to accomplish some things. And so I pack my day with "good things" and then fall exhausted in my bed with my to do list not really even started.
These two weaknesses collided this morning. Well, they've been on a path towards collison for at least a month. With everything else in my world I decided to take ANOTHER online class. (Now mind you I signed up for it before the first class when I figured out that I am not too good at online classes....I'm better with a teacher in 3D...I figured this out in my "learning styles" class :) ) It's the last day of the class and I'm going to fail because I kept forgetting about it.
I didn't tell Dave about the commitment to the class that I kept forgetting to do....well, mind you, I did remember: at midnight, while teaching my class, when my daughter was on the computer taking her online Spanish class with me helping her, etc. But during my day when I was doing normal things like shopping or laundry or cooking or reading my Bible I would forget and then work on something else instead of having one of the girls or Dave do those things so I could get my class done.
I can say with peace that the only regret I have for how I've invested my time in the past month is that I wasn't able to fit that online class in. I haven't really wasted much of my time when I could have been doing the class. I've invested it mostly in the people around me, the ones that are always there and the ones that come in and out of my life. I think it was worth it.
I asked Dave this morning if it was ok if I failed. He said yes. That was such a freeing word for him to give me this morning.
I love the fact that Dave loves me even in my weakness. He reflects God's love to me that I don't have to have it all together, I don't have to be perfect, I don't have to pass everything to earn his love.
In my weakness I can see Dave's love shine even more brightly. In my weakness I can see God's love poured out on me.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Reading God's Word Daily
I've chosen another reading plan...since the goal is to read the entire Bible in a year (or just the old or just the new testament) I thought this plan looked interesting and it was recommended by a friend.
Here it is: http://www.scribd.com/doc/12349985/Professor-Grant-Horners-Bible-Reading-System
I like it so far. I am looking forward to reading God's word in a way to help me remember it better and this seems to be doing it.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Ephesians 4:20 (The Message)
20-24But that's no life for you. You learned Christ! My assumption is that you have paid careful attention to him, been well instructed in the truth precisely as we have it in Jesus. Since, then, we do not have the excuse of ignorance, everything—and I do mean everything—connected with that old way of life has to go. It's rotten through and through. Get rid of it! And then take on an entirely new way of life—a God-fashioned life, a life renewed from the inside and working itself into your conduct as God accurately reproduces his character in you.
I just love new starts: new calendar pages, new notebooks, new flower beds waiting for color, new grade books. They give me a sense that the old has gone and now I can start over, better this time.
I like this verse and the way it is written in this version. I like how God has gotten rid of the old, rotten ugly parts of my life and made them new...I just need to live that way.
Seasons remind me of living fresh and new. I get into habits, some good and some bad, but seasons shake up those habits and force me to live differently.
Seasons in life remind me that as a door shuts another opens and with it the possibility of newness!
Oh, may I be a woman who embraces my new life in Christ and lives in that newness...forgetting the past and pressing on to the future!