"Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants. Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown." --Jesus Matthew 13:7-8
We had dandylions in California. I remember having so much fun blowing the seeds and watching them fly. Now when I see them I think of all the plants I'll end up pulling up so I try to quickly get rid of the plant before it even flowers. I worked hard in CA to get my lawn dandylion free. I was very determined and quick at pulling these weeds out of my lawn. Here though, since I have been really concentrating on the thistles I have unfortunatly slipped into a bad habit of just letting the dandylions stay. They don't look too bad and they don't hurt when you step on them.
Last year I noticed some clover growing in my lawn. It was a rather new addtion to my list of lawn foes. I pulled up some of it...but again, because of the thistle and growing dandylion population I kind of put it on hold and didn't deal with it too much. Clover looks kind of cool. But it is choking out my lawn. I discovered this yesterday when I noticed that it sent shoots along the soil, at the base of the grass. Mowing didn't really take care of anything, but most of the flowers.
We moved to Idaho 5 years ago. While we were in California we were trying to buy a house next to our church in Idaho from a man in Texas. We had seen the house in the Spring and now it was summer. He accepted our bid before we left for Idaho and so we were homeless for our first 3 weeks here in Idaho. Well, not really homeless. Our new friends at church graciously let us stay with them.
Sometime the water had been turned off and not turned back on. The beautiful lawn that we had seen in the Spring now was dry and full of weeds. The most noticible one was the thistle. It was most noticible because it was the tallest and it hurt!
I don't know how many thistles that I have pulled. Dave is allergic to them and they don't bother me too much. I have pretty much gotten rid of most of them from coming back in most of my flower beds, but the lawn is another story. Just yesterday I spent another day pulling thistles from the lawn before it was mowed. Once mowed the thistles still hurt your bare feet. We've tried poison....it just made yellow splotches on the lawn and they still came back. Really they need to be completely pulled out with the entire root. We've mowed, poisoned and yanked them out. I do have a large patch of lawn that is thistle free! Removing thistles takes a lot of determination and stubborness. To be honest I haven't been too consistent on all of that. But since they are such a pain, literally, I keep working on it.
Thistles remind me of stuff in my life that cause me pain. Sometimes I deal with it when it is little and so the pain is little. But when I let it grow, getting rid of it causes a lot of pain.

Dandylions remind me of the stuff in my life that I know I should get rid of, but it doesn't really hurt me too much. It just doesn't look as nice. They are my bad habits. They don't really hurt anyone. But they do hurt me.

Clover reminds me of the hinderances of my life that way my life down and entangle me. It's stuff that I choose to get involved in that chokes out the really important things.
"The one who received the seed that fell among the thorns is the man who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke it, making it unfruitful. But the one who received the seed that fell on good soil is the man who hears the word and understands it. He produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown."--Jesus Matthew 13:22-23
I want to make sure that I read God's word and allow it to work in my life. I want to be teachable and humble. I want to work through conflict to work towards love. (1 Corinthians 13)I want to deal with the bad habits in my life and make new habits. (1 John 1:9) I want to not have my life choked up with things that hinder my main goals. (Hebrews 12:1-3)
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