I'm done! Finished! Whew! There were times I thought I'd never make it! But here I am this morning saying, "when can I start again?"
It was awesome!
My pastor encouraged us (the congregation) to systematically read through the Bible in a year. We'd do it as a group!
Now don't get me wrong, I read every, well, most days. But I had no way of keeping track. Oh, and I've tried these reading plans before. Being a great procrastinator I always start out great, then have times of catching up, just to complete the task sometime after the "due date".
I signed up as soon as the list came out and picked up my check list. I must confess that I "jumped the gun". It was definitely a false start....but I didn't care I just kept going. I knew that if I let the momentum die I wouldn't finish. So every month I race the month to finish early. I figured that if I tried to finish early every month the worst that could happen is that I would finish on time.

But more awesome than completing the test is the craving I have to read God's word and apply it to my life. It was there before, but then it would fade when other things came in and before long it was a day or two that I was hardly reading anything. This year was different though. I always read a "chunk" of scripture. Enough to keep me thinking and praying during the day.
Now, don't get me wrong, I don't remember everything that I read. But then again I don't remember all my meals this past year. All I know (and the scale confirms this! :) ) that I've been well fed this past year: physically and spiritually.
Go ahead! Take the challenge! Get some friends to do it together...and read through the Bible! It'll change your life!
I have fought a good fight, I have finished [my] course, I have kept the faith: (2 Timothy 4:7)
I just love you Momma :]