I failed! I failed miserably! I'm even failing as I write this blog....
You see I went to church last night for a special Seder presentation. That's not the failure....
And I just got back from Michigan.....here it is....wait.....
I got bombarded by all the wonderful grannys at my church....they wanted pictures! ugh! I wasn't prepared. Even this morning I guess I should be downloading more current pictures of that sweet baby on my iphone so I can share it with the world today at church....but here I am reflecting instead. I am such the failure! :)
The way that God created me I have learned that I don't multitask very well. I have a hard time documenting AND investing. A lot of my friends do this very well. I'm jealous. I can't. I've tried. I do one well and am a failure at the other. I've tried.
I don't have many pictures of my kids while they are growing up and most of the pictures that I do have are in a box...kind of organized (just ask Kirsten, she tried looking for them last summer). I have some up around my house in picture frames, but none are in those albums I had bought. You see, I decided a long time ago that I'd rather play with my kids than record everything. I loved playing with my kids. We'd go on "hikes" (well around the neighborhood), and jump in puddles and I'd take them to the pool (I'd stay in the shade most of the time not to burn) and we'd go to the beach and watch cartoons together and color and do homework (well, I'd grade and they'd do homework) at the dining room table and we'd cook (or I'd cook and they hung out) and I'd go to their games (a lot of games, I considered myself their number one fan. When I wasn't able to go I'd pray the whole time) and....you get the picture (well, there's no picture, but you do know what I mean, don't you?).
So when I went to MI this past week I packed my camera, even took it out...but I don't think that I have one new picture on it. I did take a few on my iphone. But I was busy! I was holding Elsie and changing Elsie and feeding Elsie (that's my new sweet grand daughter!). And I was hanging out with David and Amber and learning all about their wedding plans and walking around Frankenmuth with them. And I was cooking with Kirsten and feeding her food that she misses and buying her the best fudge in the world. And I was talking with Bethany and hugging Bethany (well, I was hugging them all) and washing their dishes and doing their laundry and checking out Joel's new pictures. And Dave was hurting his back ( :) )as he tried to keep up with Joel and the rest of the guys when I was with Bethany and the baby.
I'm sure that my life will not be documented too much by pictures. In fact, I'm pretty confident of that fact. So later generations will not know that I'm there very much...but I hope that my kids and my grandkids will know. I think they will. I hope they will.
*disclaimer: for my wonderful friends who do document...you do it very well and I am jealous! I love you and want to be more like you! :)
"Oh Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things!" Psalm 98:1a