Why is it that a lot of the time when you say you follow Jesus Christ, that you want to emulate His life in yours that you are labeled a condemer, a judger? Who started this anyway? There in John it specifically says that Jesus did not come to condemn, but to save!
That is what I need to be doing in my life, where I live. Now, don't get me wrong...there is NO WAY that I can save anyone, but I can lead them to the One who can.
God has blessed me so that I can bless others. Maybe that's the rub. Maybe, just maybe, I'm not blessing.
It has made me think about just how God has blessed me and what I can do to bless others. How can I be an encouragement? How can I be salt and light?
Now, there will be a time that Jesus comes to judge and rule, but for now He came to save!
I want to reflect that in my life.