Monday, February 18, 2013

Spring Cleaning in February + 2 recipes for what you have on hand

It was such great weather here since Friday that I decided to start my Spring Cleaning.  I know it's crazy, but I still have a few days until my peeps come home and when they get here I just really want to hang out with them eating ice cream and listening to them tell me about their grand adventure.

This is them on their way to their destination.  I bet that they will be a little more tired looking on their way home.  They started the journey home this afternoon for me, but around 4am for them.  I'm glad that they are on their way home.  They are going to stop in Manila for a day or so then hop on their plane.  Then it's just a hop, skip and a jump to HOME.
I got to the kitchen cabinets Sunday afternoon.  While wiping them down I also wiped the kitchen hood and came across this guy.  Kirsten gave it to me.  She gave it to me one time when she went around and got orders from our family for either tacos or burritos or both.  She put the paper on the hood with this guy. Since then it has stayed up there as a cook order holder.  I love it.

At the top of this picture you'll see that my husband graciously put my old nameplate on the top of my kitchen hood.  When he did this I asked him about it.  He said the kitchen was where we all gathered and that I made it home.  He melts my heart.  It's true though.  When everyone is home and I'm cooking that's where everyone ends up.  It's kind of lonely these past few days.  That's probably why I haven't cooked a lot while everyone was gone. 

From our house to you...2 recipes from what I got at Bountiful Baskets.  Please note that I cook a lot of the time by what it looks like so I'll try to remember the amounts, but these won't go wrong if your measurements aren't exact as these recipes are also to the taste of the one who will be eating it.  ENJOY!
Skillet potatoes adapted from a recipe that I got from a farmer at the Meridian Farmer's Market when we first got to Idaho. serves 1

2 small potatoes diced, 1/8 head of cauliflower, 1 branch of broccoli (or 1/8 head), 1/2 small onion (or equivalent)
salt & pepper to taste
couple of dashes of smoked paprika 
coconut oil (I used 1 teaspoon)

Dice the veggies while oil is heating in a medium skillet.  Sauté veggies until lightly browned.  Salt and pepper to taste (I use freshly ground black pepper).  Cover skillet and reduce heat to low.  Cook on low heat for 20-30 minutes.  Check about 15 minutes.  You are waiting for the veggies to be thoroughly cooked.  If you want the veggies a little crisp, take off the lid and crisp up the veggies for another 5 or so minutes. 

Chunky Guacamole

1 avocado, diced
1 large tomato (or equivalent of the smaller tomatoes), diced
1 small bulb onion (looks like a large green onion), sliced
splash of lemon or lime juice
small handful of cilantro.  Chop as fine as you prefer.
salt to taste

Mix all together and enjoy.  

I made it for me and ended up sharing it with Dave. 

"Keep on loving each other as brothers and sisters.  Don't forget to show hospitality to strangers." Hebrews 13:1-2a NLT

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the LORD will be greatly praised.  Reward her for all she has done. Let her deeds publicly declare her praise."  Proverbs 31:30-31 NLT

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sunday Musings...On Being Forgetful

 "A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer.  Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken." Ecclesiastes 4:12 NLT

 I'm forgetful.  Today I left early from Sunday School because I remembered that I might have left the stove top burner on.  I left quickly, after excusing myself, and rushed home.  It's nice that I live right next to church.  I was able to get home quickly.  

Source: Ecletic Blue Vintage etsy site
I was on my way to a game the other day and I thought I'd left the kettle on before I left.  I turned around and went home to find that I hadn't left anything on.  I was late to the game and I was embarrassed.

I am easily embarrassed by my memory.  I can keep a lot of facts in my head, but I don't always remember the basic stuff, like where  my keys are.  It frustrates me.  I feel like a fool.

I have almost burnt our house down when I left a kettle on one night after a bunch of late night grading.  After that incident we got a kettle with a whistle.

Source: Milk & Honey etsy site
When we first moved to Idaho, my husband had an incident with a pot and pinto beans.  Let's just say we have a lot of stories from that incident.  We also get kidded about it even though it's been 6 years.  It embarrasses me.  I try to joke about it, but it hurts my heart.  I guess I take it too seriously, but the perfectionist in me wants to just hide.  I can't hide though.  I life in a fishbowl of community.  For better or for worse that is what a community is like.  If I want to live an authentic, transparent life then I need to not hide.  I need to come clean.  Even if I'm embarrassed I need to take a risk and live my life in community.